One morning on May 15, 1991, when Pastor Dr. Luis Fernando Solares B. opens Radio Exclusiva programming. That morning Pastor Solares read the scripture found in Ezekiel 3: 16-21. It is evident that we are living in the end times, and it is an indubitable sign, the proliferation of sects, apostasy, ecumenism and heresies that abound today. Faced with this undeniable reality that we live today, we understand that God has raised us up as Watchtowers to warn all genuine Christians not to be surprised, and to remain forever faithful to the Sound Doctrine. Glory to God because we know that most sincere believers give thanks to the Triune God for this Radial Ministry !!God was so good that the following year, in 1992, we ranked eighth among more than 100 radio stations in the capital city of Guatemala. Since then, Radio Exclusiva has broadcast 24-hour programming that glorifies the name of the Lord with well-selected Christian music and messages based on the Word of God. Through programming thousands of people have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.